Kupo CL-30MK 30" Silver C-Stand kit with sliding leg & quick release, including grip and arm
Kupo CL-30MK 30" Silver C-Stand kit with sliding leg & quick release, including grip and arm
Kupo CL-30MK 30" Silver C-Stand kit with sliding leg & quick release, including grip and arm
The Kupo CL-30MK 30" Silver C-Stand with sliding leg & quick release, including grip and 40" arm is a steel lighting support with 2 risers and 3 sections that extends to a maximum height of 244 cm.
The KPKCP240 40" Extension Grip Arm with Baby Hex Pin features the arm terminated with a hex baby pin which is suitable for mounting a lighting fixture or anything with baby receiver.
The KPKCP200 2-1/2" Grip Head With Big Handle has four(4) "V"-shaped jaws, an ergonomic oversized "T"-shaped handle with dedicated roller bearings for maximum torque, and a non-slip aluminum friction disc. This durable grip head is constructed of aluminum and steel with a chrome plated finish.
Century Stands or "C" Stands, are the most common type of grip equipment used by the filmmaking industry due to their strength and versatility. The Kupo CL-30MK 30" Silver C-stand can be used to mount your lighting equipment in conjunction with a whole variety of light shaping tools and accessories. This Kupo CL master C-stand features a mechanical design that allows you to utilise a quick release set-up and also allows you to slide the top leg when on uneven surfaces, making this one versatile and convenient C-Stand for on location or in-studio.